Lagos — Ostensibly in agreement with reports of scientists, health, and rubber technology experts that condom is

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Lagos — Ostensibly in agreement with reports of scientists, health, and rubber technology experts that condom is inherently, progressively and incurably defective and therefore not an antidote to genital spread of HIV/AIDS contrary to widespread false claims or suggestions in cheap commercial adverts, the Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON), the body entrusted with the task of controlling and regulating the practice of advertisement in Nigeria, as well as determining the standards of knowledge and skills to be attained by persons seeking to become members of the advertising profession, has now come out viva voce, to stipulate in its new amended advertising law called the Nigerian Code of Advertising practice(third edition, pages 25/26 section 4.3C: 43:22ii ) that condom advertisement anywhere in Nigeria shall carry the following health warning clause: "The condom is not 100% per cent safe. Total abstinence or faithfulness is the best option" .

The new law, which date of commencement is January 1, 2005, also states in other sections that adverts in Nigeria "shall not exploit sexual behaviour either in obvious or in implied contexts" or shall exploit the natural innocence or trusting nature of children. The new APCON law further stipulates that no condom billboard should be mounted near places of worship, schools and hospitals and no condom advertisement shall be aired during children programmes in the media.


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