Looking at Africa 40 Years from Now Protocols

Speech Delivered by Dr Akinwumi A. Adesina, President of the African 
Development Bank Group, at the 2017 Emerging Markets Forum, Abidjan, 
27th March 2017
Looking at Africa 40 Years from Now

1. Thank you very much for inviting me to speak at this Emerging Markets 
Forum. Congratulations to you Harinder and your team and the Government 
of Côte d'Ivoire for organizing the event. 
2. I've been asked this afternoon to reflect on "Imagining Africa 40 years from 
now". Lunch is tough to compete against, for you’ve all worked so hard and 
deserve your sumptuous lunch. So, I will be brief.
3. Did you say forty years? That's a tough one. I’m looking around the room, and 
what I see leads me to conclude that quite a few of us won’t be here in 40 
years’ time. The only ones likely to be here and active in that time span will 
be today’s children and young people. So maybe this act of imagination 
should come from somebody under 30 at most.
4. Some 40 years from now, the world will be totally different. We will have 
driverless flying cars; we will have Uber in our fingers, YouTube in our eyes 
and Google on our apparels. Healthcare will be done only via mobile hospital 
drones packed with precision needles. Robots in the factories will go on strike, 
and maybe “everything we do and say will be in the pill we took today”.
5. I don’t know – I won’t be there.
6. Forty years from now is too far off for me to contemplate; but instead of 
stopping right here and sitting down again, I’m going to offer you what 
makes sense to me as a time line. And then I’m going to talk about that.
7. The future of Africa keeps getting postponed. It used to be 2020, now it's 
2063. Then we are asked to imagine it by 2067. But I’m going to talk about 
Africa’s promise to transform itself within the next ten years, the span of the 
High 5s.
8. And it’s ten years not just because, by God's grace I am more likely to live to


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